The Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung celebrates
the Favoriten Festival of Culture(s)
Friday, 08/31/2012, 3 to 10 pm
Open-Air-Arena at Volkspark Laaerberg
(In case of bad weather, the event will be relocated to the Haus der Begegnungen of the VHS Favoriten)
Free Entry!
Music with Adolescents of St. Paul Parish PAHO
Friday, 08/31/2012, 3 - 3:30 pm
Address of welcome by P. Georg Tusk
The parish family of St. Paul comprises various communities of people of all age groups and interests.
Feel free to get information on the parish's program at the Favoriten Festival of Culture(s)
1st Vienna Council Housing Choir
Friday, 08/31/2012, 3:30 - 3:45 pm
What began in Donaustadt three years ago now takes place in Favoriten and Leopoldstadt as well: Due to the public's great interest,
singers have been performing at the Wohnpartner-Lokal Per-Albin-Hansson in Favoriten since 2011.
Ever since then, a rising number of council housing tenants keep meeting once a week for choir practice under the guidance of Martin Strommer, expanding their
song repertoire, learning about music theory, and generally spending a pleasant evening..
Opening by borough mayor
Freitag, 31.08.2012, 15:50 - 16:00 Uhr
On the initiative of the Favoriten tenant advisory committees, this year's Favoriten Festival of Culture(s) focuses on the Per-Albin-Hansson estate.
The three segments west, north, and east comprise 7000 housing units, and housing more than 14.000 inhabitants, the estate represents one of the city's largest blocks of
council flats. This year sees the 40th anniversary of the eastern segment. Reason enough for extensive celebrations!
Borough councillor Hermine Mospointner:
Our city's social diversity offers chances and poses challenges as well. This Europe-wide development also concerns Vienna, a city people from all
over the world call their home. Accepting this reality and shaping communal life in the interest of all the city's inhabitants poses the major challenge of our days.
This year's launch of the 'Vienna Charta' marks a future-oriented project with the goal of increasing all the city's inhabitants' participation in public life, and to develop
principles and guidelines for achieving a positive community spirit. All citizens are welcome to join actively and to point out issues of importance to them.
The Favoriten Festival of Culture(s) 2012 is especially directed at the inhabitants of the Per-Albin-Hansson estate and gives people an opportunity to become acquainted with
artists of the most diverse stylistic directions within the beautiful ambiance of the Volkspark. As borough mayor, I am very happy about this initiative which aims to unite
people instead of creating divisions. Music's international language is especially suited for this goal. I wish the greatest success to the event's organizers and hope you
will all enjoy many happy hours.
Hermine Mospointner, Borough councillor
Discussion on Charta
Friday, 08/31/2012, 4 - 5 pm
The Vienna Charta is a pioneering project, creating a form of participation for all citizens which cannot be found anywhere else in Europe.
The goal is to develop basic principles and guidelines for achieving a positive community spirit. What makes this project so unique is that the citizens of Vienna
themselves set the agenda and help create the charta by actively discussing it.
On the rostrum:
- Roswitha Abdallah (tenants' association PAHO)
- Markus Franz (SPÖ Favoriten)
- Norbert Hofer (initiator of the Favoritner Festival of Culture(s))
- Brigitta Käferböck (teacher of religious education)
- Eva Tomanek (tenants' association PAHO)
- Stefan Vasic (student at higher technical college)
Hosted by: Gisela Polli and Kathrin Brodda
Stefan Vasic & Friends
Friday, 08/31/2012, 5 - 5:45 pm
Stefan Vasic and his fellow artists focus on socio-critical and motivational music. Composing their texts, they leave their thoughts and problems behind.
This is, so to speak, a sort of self-therapy with the goal of touching or stirring people up in such a way that they will start thinking about the artists' lyrics.
Jovana (17 years old, student at a commercial academy, singing ever since childhood)
Metin - artist's name (student at a commercial academy, 18 years old, of Turkish origin. Dreams of one day making a living as a rap artists. Rapping for three years)
Stefan - artist's name Braphenix (student at a commercial academy, 19 years old, of Serbian origin. Does not wish to become famous, but wants to make people think. Rapping for three years)
Marcello Adriano (singer, 28 years
old, loves to sing as this enables him to reach people)
Rueda Chilis
Friday, 08/31/2012, 5:45 - 6 pm
The Ruedachilis are a group of enthusiastic salsa dancers who have devoted themselves to a special Cuban form of salsa: they practice and perform the
Rueda de Casino with great joy and passion. In this group dance, the dancing couples move in a circle following the commands of a cantante. There is no choreography, all movements
are spontaneous, anything is possible.
Samira Dadashi & Band
Friday, 08/31/2012, 6 - 7 pm
The talented Viennese, who certainly lives up to her Iranian roots, had her first performance at the age of seven. Ever since then,
both the stage and music have become an integral part of her life.
In 2011, she was one of the finalists at the Austrian casting show 'Heroes of Tomorrow', where she was able to beat more than 2000 competitors, reaching the
finale as one of the 14 best. Audiences easily surrender themselves to every beat of Samira's music, as she lets us feel that music is the universal language
of all our hearts. Samira is colorful and unpretentious, loud and shy, open-minded and self-contained, emphatic and thrillingly sexy, and she takes you to a
world where you are allowed to be all these things yourself... The world is big and Samira carries it on her vocal chords.
Samira Dadaschi (vocals)
Daniel Kennedy (drums)
Juraj Kos (guitar)
Georg Berner (bass)
MonaLisa Twins
Friday, 08/31/2012, 7 - 8 pm
The MonaLisa Twins have rediscovered beat music and now return it back into people's hearts, their living rooms, and onto Austria's stages.
Inspired by the spirit of the 1960s and 70s (without the period's dark side, mind you) they communicate their message in a joyful, humorous, sometimes self-deprecating way,
enchanting their listeners with the era's flair of new beginnings and orientations.
In the age of inflationary produced, often randomly exchangeable 'super stars', their musical skills and unpretentious ways make for a pleasant change.
The fact that they are twins, their names really are Mona & Lisa, and, as 18 year-olds, make music of the 60s, is not a publicity stunt and exactly the
reason for their popularity. Because what fans love most about Mona & Lisa: Everything about them is real, their music, their voices, their refreshingly
natural aura.
Sommerakademie 2012
Friday, 08/31/2012, 8 - 9 pm
For one whole week, our musical ensembles' professional members put their knowledge and experience at the disposal of musical fans in order to
bring on stage a group or individual performance well worth seeing. Still, the academy's primary goal is to enjoy the musical experience as well as to share the group
experience. The final result of the project will be presented as a show on the final evening of the Favoriten Festival of Culture(s) 2012 in front of an audience.
Doc McKoy
Friday, 08/31/2012, 9 - 10 pm
The Doc's powerful blues voice – spiced up with the smashing boogie rhythms of ingenious pianist Charlie Hloch, plus the groovy beat of
Harry 'Hudson' Hautzenberger – all these ingredients combine to create the crazy mixture of boogie, blues and rock'n'roll that will fill the dance floor in no time.
Doc McKoy (guitar, harp, vocals)
Charly Hloch (piano, vocals)
Harry Hautzenberger (drums)