Legal form: public charity
ZVR-Nr.: 319895886
Anschrift: 1110 Wien, Am Hofgartel 8/4/21
Phone: +43-676-3121605
Email: info [at] dream-music [dot] at
English translation: Florian Neubert
[Privacy policy]
[Legal Disclaimer]
Privacy policy
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Legal Disclaimer:
1. Website Content
The association 'dream-music-company' takes no responsibility for the correctness of the information provided on this website concerning up-to-dateness,
accuracy, completeness or quality. Liability claims against the association concerning damage of a material or non-material nature, caused by use or non-use of the information
presented, or, respectively, by use of erroneous and incomplete information, are generally excluded, insofar as there is no demonstrable fault of an intentional or grossly negligent
nature on the part of the association.
All offers are nonobligatory and nonbinding. The association 'dream-music-company' expressly reserves the right to change, expand or delete website content, in whole or in part,
or cease publication of the website temporarily or permanently, without prior notification.
2. References and Links
Insofar as the association 'dream-music-company' refers directly or indirectly to external internet sites ('links'), it is liable only if it has
knowledge of the content of these sites and, insofar as technically possible and reasonable, is able to prevent their use in case of illegal content. The liability for content
over and above this and especially for damage incurred by the use or failure to use information offered in this way shall lie exclusively with the provider of the page referred
to and not with those merely referring to the respective publication by means of links. This limitation equally applies to third-party entries in guestbooks provided by the
association 'dream-music-company', discussion forums, and mailing lists.
3. Copyright / (c) / ©
In all of its publications, the association 'dream-music-company' strives to respect the copyrights of any graphics, sound documents, video sequences
or texts used, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts which 'dream-music-company' has itself created or to make use of graphics, sound documents, video
sequences and texts which are not subject to licenses. The copyright © for those objects published and created by the association 'dream-music-company' remains solely with the
4. Legal Validity of this Disclaimer
This liability disclaimer is to be viewed as an integral part of the internet website which referred you to this website. Should parts or individual
formulations of this text not, no longer or not fully comply with the current law, all other sections of the documents remain unaffected as regards their contents and their validity.